Скачать reader 8 класс афанасьева михеева
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Many scientists see some truth in this. Я хотел принять ванну, открыл краны, но вода не текла run. Гдз по английскому языку за 8 класс книга для чтения. After verbs of movement go, come etc.
I decided to fix Peppi up once and for all and put sand into every bin in the van. Когда бы он не делал покупки, он вечно покупает подгнившие фрукты и овощи. Sally pushed the door hard. Скачать по ссылке download link : - - - - - - - - - Афанасьева михеева 8 класс reader скачать бесплатно Книга для учителя к учебнику Help us to make General-Ebooks better! John would have taken the job. Somefing iz hapening to me. За дружбу старую — До дна! He was a clever boy. Вы не возражаете, если я закрою дверь?
Try to do your own translation of this poem. He also realizes that he is quite a legendary figure among the pupils and the staff who heard about him before.
Английский язык, Книга для чтения, 8 класс, Афанасьева О.В., 2010 - Через секунду машина скрылась из виду. What made you think he had cheated?
Москва ; Тарасова Т. Москва ; Беликова Л. Королев Условные обозначения: ЕЕ сШ — при выполнении задания предполагается использование аудиозаписи. Английский язык : учеб, для VIII кл. Do you know each other weii? Ask questions and find in your group someone who... Describe the activity you wouid iike to do as your future career. » of making and selling medicines. Remember ten compound words which are names of jobs and have -man as the final element. A shop assistant — a person who works in a shop selling things to customers and helping them to find what they want. UNIT 1 9 Choose the right word to complete these sentences. Someone who makes walls with bricks is a... Rubbish is collected by... To deal with people who come to stay in a hotel or come to visit a doctor or a businessman is the job of a... A person who prepares food is a... A chemist is a person who... I I d-i- The Subjunctive Mood: Past Subjunctive 1. If I had been more careful. Если бы я был внимательнее when I was driving yesterday! Если бы он не опоздал на English lesson on Tuesday! Если бы машина не слома- I in the middle of the way! If I had known the truth then! Если бы тогда я знал правду! If the children had seen the 5. Если бы дети видели пьесу в play in the Maly Theatre! ШеХаМР1Е: If I had done it the right way then! If only I had done it the right way then! If Betsy had cooked dinner yesterday. You can use the ideas below. ШеХаМРЕЕ: If only I had been a good pupil when I was at school! Compared I If it were spring now! If I were in London tomorrow! If I had a lot of money now! If she became an architect in future. If it had been spring then. If I had been in London yesterday. If I had had a lot of money last Sunday! If she had become an architect, but she is a secretary. ШеХаМРЕЕ: If I had more friends! If Natasha were not so tired! If the weather were better on Sunday! If only we read more books! If the shops were open! If my parents were at home! If only the school had a basketball team! If the actors played better! If we had ice cream for dessert! Если бы я был дома в 7 часов, я бы тогда позвонил тебе. Если бы ты не был занят после уроков, мы бы пошли домой вместе. If my friend had told me the truth theriy I would have forgotten the whole story. Если бы тогда мой приятель сказал правду, я бы забыл всю эту историю. Если бы вчера не было дождя, мы бы получили больше удовольствия- от поездки. If the game had started earlier у it would have been over by 5. Если бы игра началась раньше, она бы закончилась к пяти. II Say what things you would have done if you had been in Britain last summer. ШеХаМРЬЕ: If we had been in Britain last summer, we would have seen Buckingham Palace. IeXaMPLE: If the summer had been warmer, I would have played more football. If I were in London now but I 1. If I had been in London then am not , I would visit the Na- but I was in Moscow , I would tional Gallery. If John knew the end of the 2. If my uncle had a lot of mon- 4. If Peter knew English better, he would''work as an interpreter. If the book were shorter, I would finish it sooner. If I had a new pair of skis, I would take part in the competition. If my parents gave me a camera for my birthday, I would take pictures now. If there were more good programmes on the radio, I would listen to it. If Mary were not a student, she would have more free time. If Sam were not ill, he would come to my party. If I knew more about Australia, I would make a report about it. Рост моей двоюродной сестры 1 м 75 см. Если бы она была ниже ростом, она бы стала балериной. Если бы мой дядюшка Эндрю был ниже ростом в юности, он бы стал летчиком. Если бы в детстве Люси жила на побережье, она бы научилась плавать. Если бы ты остановился, ты бы не попал в дорожное происшествие. Если бы сейчас была весна, листья на деревьях были бы зелеными. Если бы была весна, когда мы приехали в Лондон, листья на деревьях были бы зелеными. Если бы отец зарабатывал больше денег, он бы купил мне компьютер. Если бы моя тетя купила билеты в театр, мы бы посмотрели мюзикл «Кошки». Если бы ты выучила правило, ты бы не сделала такую грубую плохую ошибку. Вчера ты не просил меня опустить письма. Если бы ты попросил меня сходить на почту вчера, я бы сделал это. Positive Reaction — Have you ever thought of doing it? Neerative Reaction — Be sure to do it. This bracelet has been handed down in our family for two hundred years. When can you hand in your article to the editor? Peter, would you like to hand out the paper plates to all the picnickers? A lot of people hand over sums of money to hospitals and health centres. Complete the sentences using the missing words. The fortress was handed... This is a very rare book it has been handed... Now, I shall hand... Be sure to hand... Эта легенда передается в нашей семье от поколения к поколению generation. Не играй с моими часами, передай их мне. Давайте раздадим карты всем участникам экспедиции. Откуда у тебя это кольцо? Пожалуйста, сдайте работы в конце экзамена. Завтра королева будет раздавать подарки в детской больнице. Не сдавайте сочинения, я соберу их завтра collect. В конце концов ей пришлось передать ферму новым владельцам. Read and guess what the words in bold type mean. Where can I park the car? Look the words up to make sure that you have guessed right. The new rule is at the top of page 17. Nick is such a good stu-. Do you mind helping me? Will you please mind your own business? There is a broken window at the back of the house. Can you fix it for me? He is not a very clever boy, I would call him rather dumb. BrE to be look smart: smart clothes, smart shoes, a smart new car. AmE a smart person, a smart answer. He liked arguing with his teachers and they all thought him to be a smart aleck. The comedy we saw yesterday was terrific. What a terrific view you can see from the top of the hill! Why do you always want people to think you are important? Jane is always showing off. Is Nick really a show-off? She cares a lot what she looks like. She cares about what people think. Do you care for modern music? Will you take care of opr guests? Joan has always been jealous of Charles. When Ann kissed the baby, the older child felt jealous. The soup has a strong flavour of chicken. Strawberry-flavoured ice cream is my favourite. Have you ever tasted -, cheese-flavoured crisps? Throw these apples out: they are rotten. This may sound a silly question, but how do you learn your English? What harm is there in staying up a little later? The dog crept under the car to hide. The cat is creeping towards the bird! Everyone knows that smoking can do a lot of... In the autumn forest there was a smell of... The drink was sweet and had the... I think you are... My favourite rock group gave a... In the film the main character killed his brother because he was... I like your company. Use these words and word combinations. You're behaving like a silly little girl. Driving at such a speed is really foolish. You stupid idiot — why have you said that? Children do some silly things sometimes. It was foolish of me to accept a lift from a stranger. Kate did something silly and childish — she got up and ran out of the room. We were foolish to buy such an expensive house. В те дни я был всего лишь взбалмошным и наивным naive юношей. Вы не возражаете, если я закрою дверь? В коридоре слишком шумно. Ребятишки пробрались наверх, стараясь не разбудить своих родителей. Тебе не повредит, если ты будешь больше времени проводить на воздухе. Учитель посмотрел на Ника, и тот спрятал шпаргалку в парту. Когда бы он не делал покупки, он вечно покупает подгнившие фрукты и овощи. Когда мы были в походе, мы приготовили одно блюдо с очень необычным вкусом. У нее никогда не бывает хороших оценок по математике, но ее это совсем не волнует. Ну не глупо ли с ее стороны? Я думаю, у нас было потрясающее путешествие по Австралии. В твоем возрасте глупо вести себя подобным образом. Ты взял машину отца без разрешения. Это было опасно и очень глупо. My mother cuts my hair once a month. Aunt Polly always makes her blouses, dresses and trousers. The Browns have painted their cottage themselves. Betty always has her clothes made for her. The Greens have had their cottage painted. It is yellow now. Mary and Clare are sisters. Mary is very handy and can do a lot of things herself when Clare asks other people to help her. Read the sentences about Mary and speak about Clare. ШеХаМР1Е: Mary always makes her own clothes, but... Mary always makes her own clothes, but Clare has hers made. Mary paints the walls in her rooms herself, but... Mary usually cuts the grass in her little garden, but 3. Mary washes her sheets and pillowcases herself, but. Mary often manicures her hands, but... Mary plants flowers in her front garden, but... Mary mends the roof of her garage regularly, but... Mary sometimes repairs her car, but... Mary washes her car every Saturday, but... Mary cleans her house properly every month, but... Mary cooks her Sunday meals, but... Mary redecorates her house now and then, but... You may use some of the ideas below. Make sure that you know these words and word combinations. One hundred out of one hundred for Maths. And one hundred out of one hundred for English. Next to me they are all dumb. Even when I was a baby I was smart. Since then I have always been very advanced for my age. Every year I win a lot of prizes: top of the class, top of the school, stuff like that. I won a prize for spelling when I was only three years old. I am a terrific speller. If you can say it, I can spell it. I can spell every word there is. They are just jealous because they are not as clever as me. Last week something had happened. Another kid got one hundred out of one hundred for Maths too. That never happened before — no one had ever done as well as me. A kid called Jerome Dadian beat me. He must have cheated. It had something to do with that ice cream. I decided to find out what was going on. He sold ice cream, all different types. He had every flavour there is, and some that I had never heard of before. He told me off once. I took out a nail and made a long scratch on his rotten old van. He had just had it painted. Peppi came and had a look. Tears came into his eyes. You think you are smart. One day you will be too smart. He was too soft-hearted. He was always giving free ice creams to kids that had no money. People said that it was good for you. Some kids said that it made you better when you were sick. All the same, there was something strange about it. Take Pimples Peterson for example. One day Peppi heard me calling Pimples that name and gave Peterson a purple coloured ice cream. It will help you get rid of your pimples. Anyway, the next day when Peterson came to school he had no pimples. The ice cream had cured his pimples. Jerome Dadian had been eating ice cream the day he got one hundred for Maths. It must have been the ice cream making him smart. I wanted to get a look inside that ice cream van to find out what was going on. I knew where Peppi kept his van at night. There was no one around when I reached the van. I opened the door with a crowbar and shone my torch around inside. I had never seen so many tubs of ice cream before. There was every kind of ice cream you could think of: tasting of apple and banana, cherry and mango, blackberry and watermelon, and about fifty other flavours. Right at the end of the van were four bins with locks on them. I went over and had a look. These were his special flavours. Each of them had writing on the top. This is what they said: Happy Ice Cream for cheering people up. Nose Ice Cream for long noses. Pimple Ice Cream for removing pimples. Smart Ice Cream for smart alecks. I decided to fix Peppi up once and for all and put sand into every bin in the van. But first I ate some Smart Ice Cream. Not that I needed it — I was already about as smart as you could get. Anyway, I gave it a try. So I decided to write this. It iz the nekst day now. Somefing iz hapening to me. I don't feal quite az smart. I have bean trying to do a reel hard sum. It iz wun and wun. Wot duz wun and wun make? Iz it free or iz it for? What are your grades in English and Maths? What do you think of yourself as a pupil? What do you think of your classmates? What do you think is their opinion of you? What made you think of Jerome Dadian last week? What made you think he had cheated? What can you say about Mr Peppi and his van? What did you do at the back of the van? What was strange about the ice cream Mr Peppi sold? Was it difficult or easy to do it? What did you see inside? What did you do in the van? How did you feel after you had eaten some Smart Ice Cream? Can you find and correct the mistakes you made in the last part of your story? Match the phrases in English and Russian, find and read out the sentences with them in the text. Express the same ideas using the phrases above. You should memorize these facts and remember them forever. He never tells lies. Len loved telling the children his stories of robots, talking machines and things of this kind. Tom nodded to us and went away without saying a word. Mrs Brooks spoke strictly to her niece about the girVs manners. Today I want you to write a short poem, children. Let's see if you can manage it. Say who or what in the text is described as: 1 dumb, 2 terrific, 3 advanced, 4 jealous, 5 rotten, 6 smart, 7 softhearted, 8 silly, 9 free, 10 long. Malcolm thought that all the kids in his class were dumb. Malcolm was sure that he had always been smart. Malcolm said he knew for a fact that Jerome Dadian had cheated. Mr Peppi told Malcolm off once. Malcolm wanted to put a stop to all that ice cream business. Malcolm decided to eat some Smart Ice Cream. Say which of these statements are true about Malcolm. He had little respect for other people. He was a good friend. He was a liar and a cheat. He was a good student. He was a show-off. He was a smart aleck. He was a clever boy. Do you think it is a compliment to be called a swot? What do you think is the closest Russian word for it? Say what you think of him and if you would like to have him for a friend. Explain why or why not. Do you like stories that have some mystery in them? Can you remember one of them and tell the class what happened in it? Tell your story to your classmates. Decide whose story was the most unusual and original. People look for jobs at different places. Jobs can be attractive or not attractive. These are the qualities that make them such. Last year career and came to some remote area to 1. Sometimes five or six hours a day in my car. In the Sixth Form the forms can be in single figures. Form has a Form имгг Tutor. The-'dse 6f it as a Ibarnihg LL- , ur curriculum. A Level Theatre Studies and Russian are taught together. We now serve breakfast as well as lunch. How easy is it to get in? It is difficult to say. It depends on whether Hampton is right for the boy as much as whether the boy is right for Hampton. Each year there are large numbers of applicants who sit the entrance examination. Hampton School pupils can stay in the school till... Hampton School is open... In the Sixth Form there are a more pupils than b fewer pupils than c the same number of pupils as 6. Hampton School pupils use computers... In Hampton School Biology, Chemistry and Physics are... The modern language that is not taught in Hampton is... Hampton School pupils and Girls High School pupils are taught The- atre Studies and... Hampton School pupils can have a 1 fi 2 1. To get in Hampton children.. More Facts about the Subjunctive Mood If I were you. I wouldn't do it now. I wouldn't have done it then. If Nick were a wise man, he would have agreed then. It Choose the right verb form to complete the sentences. Если бы Джонни не смотрел вчера ночью футбольный матч, он бы не был теперь таким уставшим и сонным. Если бы я не навестила бабушку в выходные, я бы сейчас не знала о ее решении. Если бы Роуз закончила свой доклад в прошлую пятницу, она начала бы новый проект в следующий понедельник. Если бы Пол любил плавать, он бы ходил с нами в бассейн прошлым летом. Мэри не чувствовала бы себя сейчас такой несчастной, если бы ее дети позвонили ей вчера, чтобы поздравить ее с днем рождения. Если бы маленький Вильям не купался в холодной воде, он не был бы сейчас болен. Я бы играл с вами в теннис, если бы взял уроки тенниса прошлой осенью. Нам бы не пришлось поливать сад, если бы вчера пошел дождь. Я бы пошла в гости на вечеринку завтра, если бы купила то симпатичное платье, которое мы видели вчера в магазине. Если бы ты раньше сказал мне правду, я бы не чувствовал себя так глупо сейчас. ШеХаМРЕЕ: When we are very young we have little experience. If had known then what I know now, I... But for my parents I would not have visited Paris. But for the rain they would have gone out. But for the conference Philip would never have come back to his native city. But for the rain.... But for the late hour.... But for the text that we have to write tomorrow... John would have taken the job. But for her old-fashioned clothes.... Если бы не ваши бутерброды, мы бы ужасно проголодались во время экскурсии в ботанический сад. Ты бы чувствовал себя лучше, если бы не высокая температура. Если бы не мамин телефонный звонок, я бы сейчас очень волновался. Если бы не глупая шутка Джона, Лиза не плакала бы вчера после уроков. Если бы не грязные ботинки, Тед выглядел бы очень нарядным на вчерашней вечеринке. Если бы не твоя помощь, я бы никогда не приладил эту дурацкую полку. Если бы не твоя шпаргалка, учительница не сердилась бы на нас сейчас. Я бы поверил ему тогда, если бы не его хитрая deceitful улыбка. But for the new prices we would have a crowd and a lot of work. An adverb usually tells when, where, how, to what extent. Peter acted bravely, {how? John will arrive soon, {when? Polly laughs everywhere, {where? The sky turned unusually dark, {to what extent? The audience was very quiet, {to what extent? He came rather late, {to what extent? Ron waited extremely patiently {to what extent? JQ Find the adverbs In these sentences and say what they express and what word or words they modify. We quickly raised the flag. That team always wins the basketball qmcKiy r; s. The dog growled angrily. Molly saw that movie yesterday. We prefer to have tea щдМе:. Cats can walk silently. ДегУоиа1ут she trifea to explain what had happened. The castle stood far from the road. A Some great discoveries are made accidentally. In Egypt in 1799, a French army officer was walking slowly. He looked down, saw a highly unusual stone, and examined it quite carefully. The large, rather flat stone was partially buried in the mud. It was quickly pulled from the mud and very thoroughly cleaned. Inscriptions in three languages had been painstakingly carved on the stone. The very first inscription was in ancient Egyptian. The second inscription was in somewhat later Egyptian language. The third was in a more familiar language, Greek. The message was identically stated in the three languages. Ancient Egyptian writing had previously puzzled scholars. The easily readable Greek finally gave them the needed key. Eventually, the ancient Egyptian writing was translated. Now scholars can read the language fairly easily. Formation of Adverbs I. Form adverbs from the adjectives in the box. Make up three sentences to show how they are used. Example bright — brightly careful, careless, clever, wild, bad, slow, brave, unusual, clear, quick, beautiful, brilliant, loud, patient, correct, foolish, soft, quiet 33 Express the same using adverbs. Write the sentences down, mind the spelling. Jane gave us a dry answer. Rose is a clumsy cook. It is true that David is happy about his new job. Mrs Abbot gave us a sly smile and nodded. They gave us simple and clear answers. Did you notice his wry smile? Why are you so noisy moving along the corridor? We express our whole agreement with you. Односложные long longer longest и двусложные near nearer nearest наречия, совпадающие по форме с прилагательными. Superlative forms are very rarely used as adverbs, while comparative forms are occasionally used. Некоторые soon sooner soonest односложные 1 наречия. You have to work harder longer, faster. Our choir sang loudest most loudly of all. Jane smiles {more brightly, most brightly than the sun. Alice explained everything {completely, more completely than Sarah. Who arrived {most late, latest at the party? Jill climbed {higher, highest of all the climbers. Today it rained {heavier, more heavy than yesterday. Harriet swam {slower, slovfest of all. The President spoke {calmly, more calmly to Congress than to his helpers. Peter usually comes to his classes most late of his classmates. Who can solve this problem most quickly? When I was a very young child I thought that to sing best meant to sing loudest. Will you raise your hands a bit higher, please? In December it snows oftener than in November. Could you come to school more early and water the plants tomorrow? This new computer works most fast and can solve problems in no time. Ты не мог бы вести машину медленнее? Если мы не пойдем быстрее, мы ни за что never не придем вовремя. Поезд прибыл раньше, чем обычно. В течение нескольких часов шел сильный дождь. Моя старшая сестра Джейн помогает маме чаш,е всех других членов семьи. Джон приехал позже всех. Жаль, что он не приехал раньше. В нашей команде было пятеро мальчиков. Из этих пяти спортсменов Том прыгнул выше всех. Из трех врачей миссис Финч разговаривает с медсестрами терпеливее всех. Собака наших соседей лает громче, чем наша. Мой брат пишет бабушке чаще, чем я. Анна говорит по-французски более бегло, чем все остальные ученики. Сегодня утром нет тумана, и мы можем более ясно видеть дорогу. Два маленьких мальчика боролись более храбро, чем ты. Он живет ближе всех к школе Хэмптон. Learn to do it correctly in different situations No 10. I seem to be losing my voice. I have a sore throat. When she heard his words the smile vanished from her face. In a second the car vanished from sight. Babies like to be tickled. Our boat struck hard against something solid. I believe the ring is made of solid gold. This is solid advice, if I were you. They had to force their way through a big crowd. No one can force me to do a dishonest thing like this. I said that I had done it only from force of habit. The patient was made to stay in bed by force. The door of the room squeaked. The old bed squeaks whenever I move. What can we do with this squeaky door? Your hair is in a mess, comb it. After the party there was a terrible mess on the floor. Why do you always mess up our kitchen when you cook? Some boys and girls mess about in class when they should be working. He spent all day just messing about. I have some rare plants in my garden. Alice rarely, if ever, goes. This is the drug that relieves headaches. A bumble-bee droned in 'the air. He droned on about his trip though no one was listening.. She had been warned about the stairs. I do ask you to warn her not to go there alone. The message warned of possible danger. He warned me against going there at night. We were warned against these people, a wanting Xh : A warning of the danger of smoking is on every pack of cigarettes. Let it be a warning to you. Excuse me, what are you queuing...? How are you feeling... Would you like to enrol... His room is usually... The magician on the stage made the rabbit vanish. Use your new vocabulary. This doctor is a real... She waved to me and... Sam and Peter, stop... Cats like to be... Do you know that this watch is very expensive? When will you tidy your room, Kate? Which of these courses would you like to... If the task is too... The house is situated in very pleasant.... The pupils of the boarding school decorated their classrooms and... Do you sometimes mess about at school? When do you do it? What do you do to relieve headaches? Have you ever found yourself in a complicated situation? Have you ever been forced to do something? What do people generally do when doors squeak? Does any of your friends have a habit of droning on about his plans and interests? Where do the boys and girls who live at boarding schools sleep? Where do you think witches, wizards and fairies get their education? When do people sigh with relief? When do parents usually enrol their children at schools in Russia? What legendary characters in history do 72 UNIT 2 you know? Can you give names of some rare plants or animals? Have you ever been warned against some people? What people were they? Name 3-5 things that can be: a messy b complicated c rare d solid e squeaky. Use your new vocabulary. This watch is made of gold, d he re, is no other metal in it. The situation was not as bad as he had been warned about, and David was no longer worried because of this. Я предупредил ее, чтобы она одна не выходила. Волшебник взмахнул рукой, и кролик неожиданно исчез. Тебе нравится, когда тебя щекочут? Он бубнил что-то о своей «интересной» работе, и это раздражало irritated всех. Двух-трехмесячные младенцы не могут есть твердую пищу. Этот цветок редко встречается в Великобритании. Пусть это служит тебе предостережением. Где живут колдуны и ведьмы? Давайте сосредоточимся на новом тексте. В нашей школе недавно появился новый сторож. Он один из тех, кто вечно старается пролезть без очереди. Он хотел поступать в университет и записался на подготовительный preparatory курс английского языка. Думаю, мне очень скоро понадобится надежный совет. Полицейские выломали дверь и ворвались в дом. Надеюсь, теперь вы испытываете облегчение. Мэгги выросла в уютной обстановке старого загородного дома. Я не люблю этот новый свитер, он щекочется. Тема subject слишком сложная, чтобы обсуждать ее с малышами. Через секунду машина скрылась из виду. «Я здесь», — сказал кто-то писклявым голоском. We learn something so that we get some practical skills and know to do it. We learn facts, words, numbers, lines often by heart. We study something so that we get the theory of the subject especially by reading books about it and attending classes at school or college. Lizzy would like to go to university. We learnt the details much later. He learnt of her arrival from the newspapers. He found out how it all happened from the police. Make sure that you know these words. What did he enjoy doing in his free time? J He began to be troubled by some noise made by young boys. What did the old gentleman suggest that the boys should do? He suggested that they should continue beating on the trash cans. Did the old man go down or up on the money he promised to pay the boys? What did the boys do when they were promised 25 cents? Hogwarts After Joanne K. Rowling Harry Potter is the main character in the series of books by Joanne K. At the beginning Harry thinks he is an ordinary boy until he finds out that he is a wizard. Being a wizard, he is enrolled at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The text below describes Harry's arrival at the school. He and his new friend Ron meet their new teachers and get to know their new surroundings. He also realizes that he is quite a legendary figure among the pupils and the staff who heard about him before. People queuing outside classrooms stood on tiptoe to get a look at him. There were a hundred and forty-two staircases at Hogwarts: wide ones; narrow ones; some that led somewhere different on a Friday; some with a vanishing step halfway up that you had to remember to jump. It was also very hard to remember where anything was, because it all seemed to move around a lot. The people in the portraits kept going to visit each other and Harry was sure the coats of armour could walk. Harry and Ron managed to get on the wrong side of him on their very first morning. Filch found them trying to force their way through a door which unluckily turned out to be the entrance to a corridor where pupils were not allowed. And then, once you had managed to find them, there were the lessons themselves. There was a lot more to magic, as Harry quickly. They had to study the night skies through their telescopes every Wednesday at midnight and learn the names of different stars and the movements of the planets. Easily the most boring lesson was History of Magic, which was the only class taught by a ghost. Professor Binns had been very old indeed when he had fallen asleep in front of the staff-room fire and got up next morning to teach, leaving his body behind him. Binns droned on and on while they scribbled down names and dates. Professor Flitwick, the Charms teacher, was a tiny little wizard who had to stand on a pile of books to see over his desk. Professor McGonagall was again different. Strict and clever, she gave them a talking-to the moment they had sat down in her first class. You have been warned. After making a lot of complicated notes, they were all given a match and started trying to turn it into a needle. By the end of the lesson, only Her-mione Granger had made any difference to her match; Professor McGon-agall showed the class how it had gone all silver and pointy and gave Her-mione a rare smile. See how well you remember the text. Choose the right item. Argus Filch, the caretaker... Harry, a liked b disliked 4. History of Magic was the... Professor McGonagall changed her desk into a... A lot of pupils at Hogwarts wanted to take a look at legendary Harry Potter. There were a hundred and forty-two doors at Hogwarts. Things in the school moved around a lot, even the people in the portraits went visiting each other. The caretaker wanted to punish Harry and Ron by locking them in the classroom. At one of their lessons the pupils at Hogwarts studied the stars and planets. They studied Hebrology in the greenhouses. Professor Binns who taught History of Magic was a young wizard. Professor McGonagall thought that Transfiguration was an easy subject to learn. At the first lesson the pupils were asked to turn a match into a needle. Some of the Hogwarts pupils came from ordinary families and some came from families of witches and wizards. Express the same in Russian. The old man scribbled down his name with a snaking hand. Try to get on the right sicje 9. The boy suddenly went red in the face with anger. ШеХаМР1Е: Ice goes liquid when you bring it indoors. Then there were doors that 1. Кроме того, там были двери. May I use your pen? Sally pushed the door hard. Салли сильно толкала дверь. Express the same in Engiish. Окно никак не открывается. Трудно вести машину, если твои руки отказываются держать руль wheel. Эта книга есть в каждом книжном магазине, но она никак не продается. Я жду уже десять минут, а чайник никак не закипает. Коробка, которую ребятишки нашли в лесу, никак не открывалась. Машина не заводилась start , и я понял, что опоздаю. Я хотел принять ванну, открыл краны, но вода не текла run. Хотя в комнате кто-то был, ручка двери handle не поворачивалась, а дверь не открывалась. Он пытался идти вперед, но ноги его не двигались. Mice and bats squeak. Little birds chirp and twitter. Bees and bumble-bees buzz and drone. J Match the names of these 1 cats a 2 cows b 3 sheep c 4 pigs d 5 cocks. Use as many sound imitation words as you can. Act out a talk between Harry and Ron Hermione about their first impressions of the school. Compare Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with an ordinary school. Say what makes them different and alike. In practice high school in the USA usually means senior high school for ages 14-18. Public schools are known for their high academic standards and are prestigious. They are expensive and attended usually by people of high social status or with a lot of money. Public school in the USA is a free local school, controlled by the state, for children who study there but live at home, thus it means a school supported by public funds, and corresponds to British English state school. Is yours a big school? How many pupils has it got? Is it a state or an independent school? Do your parents have to pay fees? Does your school specialize in a certain subject or subjects? Does your school select prospective pupils or does it take any children? How is your school day organized? What after-school activities do you have? How big is your school building? Does it look attractive? What is there in your school building? Where is the school situated? How do the school grounds look? How would you answer the same questions about your own school? BIOlOGy CTH FORM CENTRE HISTORy LECTURE THEATRE CAREERS 1. Arrange a real or an imaginary tour of your own school. Take turns in playing the role of the guide. Try to do your own translation of this famous poem. O, my love is like the melody, vJ4. As fair art thou, my bonny lass. Till all the seas go dry. Qbb And fare thee well, my only love. Though it were ten thousand milel 71 Did you know that... Robert Burns, the national poet of Scotland, was born in 1759 and lived to be 37. He greatly enriched English literature with his unforgettable works. He wrote about what he knew intimately: the flowering fields and birds singing in the trees, the life of Scottish peasants and the cares and ecstasies of his own heart. Perhaps his best poems are songs of love and nature and his moving often humorous narratives of the joys and mishaps of humble life. At Dumfries, married to the sweetheart of his youth Jean Armour, he spent the last years of his life. He died at the early age of thirty-seven. His best known songs date from these final years. Listen to the song No 14 and sing it aiong. Auld Lang Syne Chorus: For auld lang syne, my dear. For auld lang syne. Should auld acquaintance be forgot. And never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot. Забыть ли старую любовь И не грустить о ней? Забыть ли старую любовь И дружбу прежних дней? За дружбу старую — До дна! За счастье прежних дней! С тобой мы выпьем, старина, За счастье прежних дней. Побольше кружки приготовь И доверху налей. Мы пьем за старую любовь. За дружбу прежних дней. За дружбу старую — До дна! За счастье юных дней! По кружке старого вина За счастье юных дней. И вот с тобой сошлись мы вновь. Твоя рука — в моей. Я пью за старую любовь, За дружбу прежних дней! За дружбу старую — До дна! За счастье прежних дней! С тобой мы выпьем, старина. За счастье прежних дней. Some of the best lessons are learned from mistakes and failures. The love of money is the root of all evil, but the possession of it is an opportunity for much good. Happiness consists not in having many things, but in needing few. A person needs to be ioved the most when he deserves to be loved the least. Use photographs and pictures, make it look as attractive as possible. Work in small groups. Try and compare the value of a pound, dollar and rouble. Use in your story the foliowing word combinations. Express the same in English: I записаться на английские курсы; 2 взломать замок; 3 грязный т1ол в спальне; 4 легендарные герои; 5 редкий цветок; 6 неожиданно исчезнуть из виду; 7 сосредоточиться на новых словах; 8 стоять в очереди за мороженым; 9 надежный совет; 10 волшебство и колдовство; II облегчить боль; 12 бубнить о своих проблемах; 13 предостеречь от рискованной risky поездки; 14 новый смотритель; 15 пощекотать почесать котенка за ушком; 16 скрипучая дверь В. Маке up ten sentences of your own with the word combinations above. They cleaned them every evening before the Headmaster came to inspect. What have they been doing here? Express the same in Russian. The prisoner broke away from the two policemen who were holding him. The old cars were broken down for their metal and parts. A fire broke out suddenly at dawn. I tried to break down her opposition to our plans. Cholera broke out during their journey around Africa. Our TV broke down right in the middle of my favourite film. Do you know when World War I broke out in Europe? When you break away from a group, you stop being part of it. Express the same in English. Пора кончать с этой вредной привычкой. При взлете самолет сломался, и полет был отложен на день. После смерти матери HojyiH перестала владеть собой и серьезно заболела. Я знаю, что твоя машина сломана, а тебе нужно ехать на вокзал. Ты можешь воспользоваться моей. Глядя на забавную обезьянку, дети рассмеялись. Почему ты расплакалась, Бетти? «Почему вы вломились в мой дом? » —спросил старик у полицейских. If I were a wizard, I would make all people happy. If I had gone to the cinema, I would have enjoyed the film. I would know what the new film is about. Our team lost the match the other day. The dictation we wrote at the Russian lesson was very complicated. It rained heavily all day through on Sunday. The new dish was delicious. UNIT 3 II 1. But Match the two halves of the sentences. If Choose the correct form of the adverbs to complete the sen- tences. The little kitten came {more near, nearer to us. The new toaster works faster, more fast than the old one. The black fish ate {most greedily, more greedily of all. Sasha drives {more carelessly most carelessly than his elder brother. Of the two girls, Jane worked {more quickly,» quickest. IS Express the same using adverbs instead of adjectives. ШеХаМРЬЕ: Fred was a faster learner than his friend Nick. The snow today is heavier than yesterday. Peter is the most careful driver of all I have ever met. You have done such hard work that now you can take a break. Helen did the best translation of the poem in her class. Qur new friend gave us a warm smile before leaving the room. What does this sad smile mean? Huge African elephants trumpet very... When the surface of the earth began to change and they could no longer find food, dinosaurs began... They say it can... When hunting, tigers often lie... The robin hears so... The cuckoo is one of the most... Listen to the interview about the British shops No 16. Oxford Street in London is famous for its shopping. The High Street is an area where theatres are situated. All the people who use supermarkets can get there only by car. Corner shops sell more specialized goods than supermarkets. There are three big supermarkets in London. These are both very large department stores. Of course there are many other department stores which exist in most British towns. In London a lot of the best department stores are in Oxford Street which is famous for its shopping. Talking seriously the company is reassessing its priorities, is rethinking its future plans. A decision has been made recently to withdraw from the High Street. As you know the High Street is an area where the shops are and where goods are sold. Some people use public transport — buses — to take them to and from the supermarkets. It does mean however that the shopper usually has a lot of heavy shopping to take home with him on the bus. A car is much more useful. A lot of shopping is still done at the small corner shops — small shops on the corner of the street. The small corner shops can often sell more specialized goods which a supermarket does not stock. He may also make his own sausages. So there are the four major supermarkets. Use the interview Ex. The two most famous London department stores are... The best department stores in London are in... A decision has been made recently by the С ; to starch linen, to starch tablecloths starched adj : starched collars, starched cotton. Shoes ire often stiff when they are new. He felt very stiff the day after his first weight-training class. Chew your food well before you swallow it. John started to chew a piece of meat. The bird flapped its wings. Why did the boy choose Repton School but not Marlborough School? How far was it from his new school? How could he get there? Who took the boy to the shop to buy his uniform? Where did they go to buy it? Why did the boy have to chew the slits of the collar? Did he have to chew the buttonholes of his waistcoat too? What kind of clothes was he used to? Who shrieked with laughter when the boy appeared in his new outfit? And why did they fall over the room laughing? Why could the boy consider himself lucky in her opinion? What would the text say if the boy had to travel from Derby to Kent? Would you feel the same if you had to wear some eccentric and uncomfortable clothes to your school? Describe an ideal school uniform as you see it. Speak about what pieces it should consist of and what they should be like. Choose the right colours for your uniform. Draw a picture if you can and use it. Look at the picture of an Etonian. UNIT 3 Work in pairs and discuss the pros and cons of wearing a school uniform. Here are some of the arguments that you may use. Life in the modern world is unthinkable without banks and their services. Sooner or later we all come to a bank either at home or abroad and there we all speak the language of banking. A lot of people go to the bank to borrow money. Probably the best way to spend your money is to go shopping. Coming to the shop you become a customer. Shops are ideal places to spend your money. Modern shopping centres do their best to prove to you that shopping may be fun. Why do people open bank accounts? How do people use bank cards and credit cards? How do they use cheque books? Why are banks useful? What can they do for you? What would happen if there were no banks? Comment on this saying. Support what you say with examples. What makes shopping centres convenient and attractive for customers? Have you ever been to a big shopping centre? Did you enjoy shopping there? If you went to a big shopping centre, where would you spend most of your time? Would you spend more time on shopping or on entertainment? Which of these do you enjoy buying: clothes, food, stationery, books or household goods? Can you explain why? Why do a lot of people prefer to pay by cheque or by card? What are their advantages? What questions do you usually ask a shop assistant? Are shop assistants in your local shops helpful? What makes an ideal shop assistant? And what makes an ideal customer? Explain what a big modern shopping centre is like to someone who has never been there. Do the same in the form of a dialogue. Remember a very successful and a very unsuccessful visit to the shops that you once made and speak about it. Imagine that you want to open a shop. What would your shop be like? How would you make it attractive for the customers? Say if you like shopping for clothes and footwear. Describe one of your visits to a clothes shop or a clothes department. Look at these clothes and describe them like you would do at a fashion show. Use the word combinations below. Begin with: Ladies and gentlemen, let me present a new outfit designed by... Speak about a profession of a clothes designer. Find information about a world famous designer and say what makes him or her clothes special, what details he or she uses. Say if you could would like to work in a bank or in a shopping centre. Would these occupations attract you? Business, you know, may bring money, but friendship hardly ever does. {Jane Austin The love of money is the root of all evil, {the Bible Money is like a sixth sense without which you cannot make a complete use of the other five. Maugham — The rich are different from us. {Francis Scott Remember that time is money. If it makes you feel all right. If you say you love me too, I may not have a lot to give. Try to do your own translation of this poem. Davies What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare? No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long as sheep or cows. No time to see when woods we pass. Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass. No time to see, in broad daylight. Streams full of stars, like skies at night. No time to wait till her mouth can Enrich that smile her eyes began. A poor life this is if, full of care. We have no time to stand and stare. RojECT Work Advertisements are very much a feature of modern life. To create an effective advertisement takes creativity. Try your hand at it. Design an advertisement for: a a new shopping centre, b a new bank, c a new fashion house. I whose invention or discovery it is: 1. The television was invented in the 19th century. Nuclear energy and atomic energy are the same thing. American astronauts landed on the Moon in 1982. The Earth is a huge natural magnet. Invisible lines of magnetic force spread out around the planet joining the North and the South magnetic poles. Leopards often hunt from trees, lying in wait on a branch. Leonardo da Vinci thought of such modern things as the helicopter, the flying machine and the machine gun and made drawings of them. The laser is a device that strengthens sound. The human nervous system includes brain, nerves and stomach. People used to think that the closer you went to the Siin, the hotter it would be. But as hot air rises it expands and cools, so the higher you go the colder it is. Air cools by 3°C for every 305 m it rises. This is why the tops of mountains are cold. The first successful submarine was built in the 1620s by a Dutch inventor, Cornelius van Drebbel. The biggest submarines today are Russian nuclear submarines. Larger than passenger liners, they can stay under for two years without refueling. There is less oxygen the higher up you go. Mountain people and animals can live at great heights because they have bigger hearts and lungs, which carry more blood, and therefore more oxygen. The human race is about to enter a new age of travelling and living in space. Shuttles will one day make journeys into space as common as ordinary airplane flights today. Space cities holding thousands of people will circle the Earth, metals will be mined, and one day special trees might be developed so that they can grow on comets and distant planets. Modern oil tankers are the largest ships ever built. The Seawise Giant is one of the biggest tankers of all. Fully loaded it weighs 574 000 tons and is as long as 15 tennis courts laid end to end. A ship big like this takes over 6 km to stop at sea. Plans have been suggested for building giant colonies in space, housing thousands of people. Inside people could walk around as freely as on Earth and grow their own food. Insert what or which to complete the sentences and answer the questions. We were at the zoo yesterday and saw a very {funny, hilarious monkey. Are you going to our {dress, fancy-dress party on Saturday? The idea of going there seems {hilarious, ridiculous to me. They {attached, detached the flag to the long stick and marched on. We parted and I {waved, flapped to my friends standing on the platform. He felt bad that day and went to school with {reluctance, dignity. The little boy {unlaced, laced up his shoes himself before going to bed. Shop assistant: Can I help you? Shop assistant: I see. Customer: I usually wear size 14. Shop assistant: Here we are. What about this one? I like it 4... Shop assistant: Of course you can. Customer: Where is 5... What do you think? Customer: I rather like it. Shop assistant: Over there at the cash desk. Customer: And can I pay 7... Shop assistant: Yes, of course. We take Visa and Express cards. Which is worth more - a dime or a nickel? If you want to spend your money, do you pay it in or withdraw it? If your bank loans money to you, do you lend it or borrow it? What do you give to the shop assistant if you pay cash? How else can you pay? If the price of a pair of shoes is 20 pounds, how much does the shop charge you for them? Who helps customers in the bank? If you want to know how much your friend paid for a book, what question will you ask him or her? Vegetables: tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers. {At the food couri:, to a stranger '. I have another cup of tea. I have the menu, please? For the last time, Dolly. The English test was really hard. In 1870 one of the experts at the US Patent Office left his job because he felt that... Alexander Graham Bell was born in... After graduating from the University of London Alexander Bell was a... The telephone was invented in the... Read the text and make up questions to which the phrases «below are answers. They made experiments with the human voice. He taught the deaf. It was a cylinder with a membrane and a stylus attached to it. Watson knew about electricity more than Bell did. At a big exhibition in Philadelphia. He asked Bell to demonstrate his machine. For both the multiple telegraph and the telephone. The Man and His Work The story is told that in 1870 one of the experts at the US Patent Office left his job because he felt that everything had been invented and there was no future in it. It happened at the time when the telephone, the radio, and television had not yet been invented. And when Edison gave the world the electric light, his invention paved the way to the immense use of electricity in the 144 UNIT 4 20th century. The 20th century also gave us the automobile, the airplane, the helicopter, the cinema, the computer and the nuclear reactor. Two world wars helped to develop the chemical industry to the level that allowed to produce synthetics and other scientific marvels. Some people believe that inventions occur as the need arises. From this point of view, someone else might have invented the telephone. As it happened, it was Alexander Graham Bell. Born in Scotland, Bell spent his youth in England. His grandfather and father were elocution teachers. While the family lived in England, the parents moved in scientific circles, where experiments were being carried out on the human voice. Alexander and his brother became interested in the subject. They made a puppet with throat organs based on those of the human being and experimented with reproducing the human voice. Alexander became interested, too, in experimenting with a multiple telegraph that could send more than one message at a time. It was through his interest in this field that he invented the telephone years later. After graduating from the University of London, Alexander was a teacher of the deaf. They emigrated to Canada and settled in Ontario. Within a few months, Alexander accepted a teaching position with the Boston School for the Deaf and left for Massachusetts. In the course of his efforts to perfect a multiple telegraph. Bell had invented a little machine, that he had used in teaching the deaf. It was a cylinder with a membrane stretched across one end and a stylus a thin stick attached to the membrane. When someone spoke into a cylinder, the membrane vibrated and the stylus traced a zigzag line on smoked glass. This little machine that he called the phonautograph, gave him a key to the invention of the telephone. Bell took on an assistant, Thomas A. Watson, who knew about electricity a lot more than Bell did. In 1876 when Bell showed his first model of the telephone, it was still a rather simple instrument. This was the year of the Centennial, that celebrated the first hundred years of progress in the United States. To celebrate the event they organized a big exhibition in Philadelphia. The telephone receiver was connected with the transmitter across the room. One of the distinguished guests, the Emperor of Brazil, asked Bell to demonstrate his machine. The shocked and amazed Emperor soon rushed to Bell with the tails of his formal coat flapping. The other judges gathered about and took turns listening. Alexander Graham Bell received the Centennial prize awards for both the multiple telegraph and the telephone. Read through the text again and complete the list of such words. Make sure that you read them correctly. Give the Russian for them. Some people believe that inventions occur... Alexander Bell and his brother became interested in... After graduating from the University of London Alexander. This little machine that he called the phonautograph, gave him 6. In Tell the story of Alexander Graham Bell. What kind of war is described at the beginning of the text? What are the advantages of the new virtual technology? Do we have answers to all questions connected with virtual reality? What in virtual technologies may turn out to be dangerous: a for their users generally, b in science, c in training? What may happen to human ethics and morality as a result of using virtual technologies? Virtual Reality: Danger Ahead? Virtual reality is an environment in which computers create the effect of a world which seems almost completely real to the people in it. You are seated in an M-1 tank simulator. A head display is fixed over your eyes. As you sit, the display flashes computer-generated images of the battle field into each eye. The helmet with the help of sensors picks up your eye and head movements and sends them to the computer, which changes the scene. An enemy tank fires from the south. You will work at warfare until you get right. Welcome to virtual reality, the technology that allows users to interact with computer-simulated images and some day may offer getting into make-believe worlds. Will virtual reality VR be the new television? How will virtual trips journeys effect our minds, judgment and relationships? Will virtual reality make us better people? Will it make us worse? Critics of VR say that this sort of technology without careful regulation Will be nothing more than a high-tech instrument for spreading violence, pornography and advertising. Many scientists see some truth in this. As virtual models that scientists design become more and more realistic, people may start believing these models to be true and forgetting to go to the real world to see if it is really so. In science, this tendency can lead to wrong conclusions. In training it could result in unpreparedness for risky situations. The pilot trained on a plane model that is realistic, but not true, for example, would be ready for a virtual flight, but not a real one. Perhaps the biggest question of all is what virtual reality will mean for human ethics and morality. There is a danger that traditional morality will break down in virtual worlds. There is no chance of hurting another person in the world of VR and so the feeling of immorality will be taken away. Nothing in a virtual world ever will be believed immoral, anything will go: no harm, no damage. It can be a curse or a blessing. In the end this new technology will be what we make it. Read the article again for more details and match the English ' words and word combinations with their Russian equivafents: 18 1 simulator 2 a head display 3 flashes images 4 a battlefield 5 picks up your movements 6 warfare 7 to interact 8 make-believe worlds 9 both real and potential 10 side effects 11 to effect our minds, judgment and relationships 12 without careful regulation 13 high-tech 14 spreading violence... Specialists still argue if virtual technologies do more good than harm. Virtual technologies may give results not wanted by society. Virtual technologies can be very useful. Virtual reality is a technology that gives users an opportunity to act together with the computer. The Place of Adverbs in Sentences He is working {how? She was crying quietly in her room then. The girl practises the violin here every evening. After verbs of movement go, come etc. He went upstairs quietly. Jane spoke {at the meeting, last Wednesday, firmly. The player caught the football at the stadium, quickly. The fans cheered their favourite team yesterday, wildly, at the gym. Belinda was moving the chairs noisily, last night, in her room. The children ran quickly, downstairs. The little kitten crept silently, upstairs. Adverbs of Time and Frequency always usually often frequently generally sometimes occasionally seldom rarely hardly ever never not ever With adverbs of frequency the word order is as this: 1. The boys often play football in the schoolyard. They are sometimes late for their lessons. If there is more than one auxiliary verb, adverbs usually go after the first auxiliary. The roof has never been repaired.
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